Our Members' Stories

Reid was an active 12-year-old student and star forward on his basketball team when he began experiencing trouble breathing, stomach pain and fatigue. His condition soon progressed to the point where it became difficult for him to attend school, let alone play the sport he loved.

His parents brought him to his pediatrician where they discovered his blood glucose was 705, almost 7 times the normal level, prompting his doctor to send him straight to the hospital. His diagnosis: type 1 diabetes. Reid’s family was stunned at the diagnosis and not entirely sure what it meant for his future. Reid was especially hit hard, recalling, “I cried a long time and was really worried I would have to get surgery.”

CareFirst child member Reid care coordination program partcipant

"The program has been great for Reid and his care. It’s kept him out of the hospital and allowed him to get back to a normal life and just be a normal kid again."

While Reid was still in the hospital, his family was contacted by the onsite CareFirst hospital transition of care coordinator (HTC). Nurses in CareFirst’s Hospital Transition of Care program reach out to members upon their admission to the hospital, offering guidance and support.

With the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, everything changed for Reid—from meal planning to activities. Reid’s HTC nurse took charge of his case. She helped educate him on his new medication routine, set up an appointment with an endocrinologist and referred him to Nicole, a local care coordinator in the CareFirst Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) program.

Nicole attended Reid’s initial doctor visits with his endocrinologist. She helped educate the entire family on the disease process, what to be on the lookout for and what to expect as a diabetic patient. She was instrumental in helping Reid identify the best medication for his condition and educating him on how to keep his glucose levels under control by checking them up to 12 times a day. She also worked closely with Reid’s pediatrician to ensure his care was well coordinated and communicated among all his providers.

Several months after his hospitalization, Reid is feeling “good and healthy.” While he will always live with type 1 diabetes, working with Nicole has helped him learn how to best control his condition and live the healthiest life possible. Reid's dad Rob, a CareFirst employee and member, adds, “I was so open to the help, because we don’t know what we don’t know.”